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   All things are  possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23)


All of us face troubles at some time that are out of our control. What you do while you wait on God shows where you stand in your faith.

In Mark, Chapter 9, we read of a father who had a son possessed with a spirit. The disciples were unable to cast it out so the father brought his son to Jesus and  implored him saying, “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”  Jesus answered, “If You can? All things are possible to him who believes”. The man then cried out to Christ and said, ” I do believe; help my unbelief!”With that,  Jesus then commanded the spirit to come out of the boy and to never enter him again,”

How many times do we present our requests to God only to take them back and try to work them out ourselves when it seems like the answer is taking too long? The truth is that the timing of God is always perfect even when it appears that it may be too late. Just because you can’t see what God doing in your struggle does not mean he is doing nothing! It only means his plan is higher than yours and it has a greater outcome.   The suffering in the life a believer has a deliberate, divine purpose to bring you to a greater knowledge of the God you serve. When you suffer through a painful trial, keep in mind that God knows it. He saw your situation long before you were born and He is with you to the end. You are never without hope if you believe. That is a promise Jesus died to give you.

The Apostle Paul went through many fiery trials and persecutions yet he never lost sight of “the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”(Philippians 3:14)  He knew that all he had to endure was getting him ready for eternity with Christ in a Kingdom that is beyond our understanding. For that reason, he learned how to be content in the good times as well as in times of need.

Waiting on God’s timing can stretch your faith to the limit. A nineteenth-century Christian Pastor named, John MacDuff asked the question regarding waiting on God when he said, “Christian, what is your duty?“.  He wrote that with God, “It is to trust His Heart – even when you can’t trace His hand; believing that ‘all the paths of the Lord and mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies'”

I have a friend who was blind from birth. She never saw the sun or the sky or any colors, yet she didn’t let that keep her from believing God still had a plan for her life. She worked hard and became a highly respected teacher who touched many lives. Although she was blind, she trusted her life to Christ who showed her more than her physical eyes could ever see. She understood that life’s momentary afflictions were producing an eternal weight of glory that far surpasses any suffering. We are to look not at things that are seen but at things that are unseen. What we can see is temporary but what is unseen is eternal. That is real faith in action.

Whatever struggle you are experiencing, there is a way to stay in the peace of God. The man who wanted Jesus to heal his son knew he needed help with his unbelief. Remember, he had heard that Jesus healed others, but there was doubt over whether he would help him.  That was his unbelief. We all face times of uncertainty and it is hard to always believe that God is going to help you.  The fact of the matter is that it is God’s promise to help you no matter what you endure. His way of helping may be different than what you think is good,  but the answer is always perfect for believers who put their faith in Christ. All things must line up with God’s eternal purpose for your life. And isn’t that what you really want?

Jesus died to leave us His unfailing peace no matter what battle we are in. All you need to do is to surrender daily your struggle, your pain and your unbelief to Christ and ask for his help.  He already knows your weakness.  His strength is yours for the asking.

Jesus, I want to believe. Help my unbelief!



Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free;

 Force me to render up my sword, and I shall conqueror be.

  My will is not my own till Thou has made it Thine;

    If it would reach the monarch’s throne

      It must, its crown resign.                   By L.E. Maxwell 


I want to bring a message of truth for those struggling in this lost and perishing world.  If you belong to Jesus Christ, you must stop acting as the world does every time a crisis happens in your life.  We are children of the Promise and nothing can change that or destroy the purpose God has for our lives.  Don’t let a little shaking of the ground or the darkness of the storm around you cause you to take your eyes off the One who ransomed your life for all eternity!  It is nothing less than blasphemy against your God to let the enemy see you giving more credence to his lies than to the truth of Jesus Christ!  How many rivers and seas does God have to part before we will believe that he has all the power we ever need to fight our battles?

It takes true faith to trust that God is actually going to work your struggles out for your good.  God never fails and he is faithful but the silence can be tormenting as you wait on his promises to be fulfilled.  The enemy will taunt you to make you doubt God’s faithfulness, but the truth is that he is a  defeated foe whose only weapon is his lies.  The purpose and plan of God for your life have been settled long before you were created.  Every single detail was known by God and he provided a way through every one of them.  All it takes is for us to keep our eyes on him and trust him, but so often we forget what he has done for us in the past.

Each trial brings fear and anxious thoughts.  The devil always has a way to make you see the worst of each situation.  For that reason, you are to take captive every thought and line them up to be obedient to the teachings of Christ.  He has told us that he can rescue us from any situation.  God’s has already planned in advance to supply the power that is needed for his people to climb the hills and survive the valleys in this life.  There is not a single struggle you endure that he has not seen long before the world was created.  Why then do we still worry that God is not going to show up in time to help us?  Do we actually believe that the Creator of this world and everything in it is going to forget a single detail of our lives?  Our hope is secure and the battle is won in every area of our lives.  All that we must do is surrender our weaknesses to the one who can work them all out for our good.  It means waiting and trusting while the battle rages on knowing that we are victors.  There is no such thing as a defeated Christian!  Stop carrying around burdens that are not yours.  Worry is a tool that the enemy uses to deflect the truth from believers.  He can’t steal your joy so don’t just hand it over to him when problems arise.

The fact is that God will always take you to the edge of the water so that his power will be revealed as he makes a way to cross when there is none. You need to get to the end of your own strength before you can understand the immeasurable power that God has.   Weary believers need to wake up and realize that God ‘s plan for your life cannot be hindered by your impossible situation.  There is never a time when he leaves you to work things out on your own.  It is for his good purpose that he allows the storms in your life.  He is working out a perfect plan for you that has eternal rewards.  You usually won’t understand the reason for all that happens to you but your faith should still not waver.  Jesus is truth and he has said he will not forsake you!

Jesus said to his Apostle Thomas in John 20:27, “Stop doubting and believe.”  That is his command to us today. Your problems can’t destroy you unless you let them.  God still knows how to part the waters, move the mountains and hold back the sun to help you in the battle you are facing.  To give up is to give in to the lie of a defeated enemy.  That army of the living God has surrounded the camp and is taking back what was stolen from you!  You are a force to be reckoned with because Christ is your leader.  Never forget that your life was redeemed by the righteous blood of Jesus and he is not ever going to let you lose this fight!

Dear Lord,  for those who are struggling and in a painful trial, I pray that you will help them to see that this message is for them!

                    He will fight this battle for you!


The promises of God are real and his faithfulness will never fail us.  We have nothing to fear as believers because the power of God is always with us.  Yet those words may ring hollow when you are in a crisis situation.  You may be dealing with a serious illness for which there is no cure. You may be struggling with financial difficulties and don’t know where to turn. You may be suffering the pain of a broken marriage or relationship and have lost all hope for the future.  Whatever the struggle, it can be hard to stand in your faith when your circumstance seems hopeless.


We read in Proverbs 24:10, “If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!”.  The truth is that those who believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ have limitless power to defeat anything that comes against them.  In 1 John 5:4, we are told that everyone born of God overcomes the world.  The forces of evil cannot conquer a child of God. The devil himself knows that he is unable to harm a hair on your head but only what God permits.  And God will only allow that struggle or pain for which he has prepared in advance to bring you through to victory. Each trial we endure is permitted to help us to develop the perseverance that we need to stay strong in this life so that our faith may be proved genuine.  Christ did not suffer and die to lose the battle.  His death paid the price for our victory and it cannot be taken from us.  It does not matter what trouble you may be experiencing, God is willing and able to bring you through it. He alone can turn a painful situation into something that will be used for good with a reward that will last forever.  God’s promise in Isaiah 61:3 is to give you beauty for ashes and gladness instead of mourning. 


Those who have Jesus as their Savior have a living hope.  It does not matter how weary you may feel for it is Christ who will fight your battle and he knows how to rescue the godly from trials.  He has made us more than conquerors which means we cannot fail despite our weaknesses.  The Apostle Paul understood that all he had to suffer was permitted for a purpose.  He believed that God’s grace was able to meet all of his needs despite the pain he had to endure.  For that reason, Paul was able to be content in any and every situation, good or bad.  He said in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”.  That is the kind of faith that honors God and defeats the enemy.


You can have the peace that surpasses understanding if you will keep your eyes on Christ instead of your problems.  There is nothing that is impossible for him.  He cannot fail you because it was by his great love that he created you.  He defeated death and left us a promise that he would always be with us.  Jesus will make a way through the mountain of your problems because his perfect plan for your life cannot be stopped. 


It is my prayer that you understand that it doesn’t matter where you are or what you are going through for Jesus will be there to help you.  You are never alone. 

Marianne Bernard

Marianne Bernard

I seek first the kingdom of Christ because everything else in this world is perishing. All that I have is from God who is always faithful. I have worked hard all my life and will continue as long as God lends me breath. The mistakes and bad judgments I made in my life all stemmed from me trying to work things out by myself. I have learned the hard way that the victory over all of my problems and the answers to all of my desires lie solely in my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is now my desire to share the words that God gives me to encourage and give hope to others who need the strength that only faith in Christ can give.

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