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                       lifting-up-hands                                                 Knowing that God will rescue you

Where is God in all of our struggles?  We are living in unbelievably difficult days and it does not appear to be getting any better.  Trying to hold on in faith while the darkness surrounds our situation can literally seem impossible.  In our finite minds,  it doesn’t make sense that God  appears to wait so long to come to our rescue.

The pain of a trial in life can be overwhelming.  A troubled marriage can turn your life upside down.  Financial problems seem to have no end in sight.  A serious illness can interrupt your life in a big way.  Addictions to alcohol, drugs, pornography or  any bondage can bring total havoc in your life.  There are just too many problems to deal with as utter darkness covers the earth.  Where is the peace that surpasses understanding that Jesus promised us believers?  Sometimes it may take all the effort you  have just to get out of bed in the morning and face life.  Without a doubt, we are living in troubling times.  So what can we do?

We are told in God’s word that then enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking to devour you.  He is seeking to kill, steal and destroy all that you have.  But, the truth is that the enemy cannot take anything from one whose faith is in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  All that he can do is convince you of a lie that his power to destroy you is bigger than God’s power to rescue you.  You must remember that the tomb could not hold back the Holy Spirit’s power to raise Christ from the dead and that same power is living in you!  For that reason, you cannot be defeated no matter how wounded you are in the battle you are fighting.  Christ has conquered death and the power of evil.  Though the enemy can wage war all around you,  you will not be a casualty of a battle that has already been won.  Don’t look at your circumstances –  look at your God!  Our weakness comes when we take our eyes off the Source of our power.  Jesus does not take cover in the attacks of the enemy.  He is our fortress and a very present help to us.  The weary can find safety in his shadow and experience peace in his never-ending love.

By knowing and understanding the God you serve, you are able to rest and trust  him to get you through the storm.  If Jesus tells us to take joy despite our problems, he must have a way for us to do so.  We know by all that is true that God cannot lie.  In every one of our troubles, God is present and working them out.  You don’t have to feel him or see him working to know that he is causing all things to be used for your good.  It is by faith, which is greater than silver or gold, that we trust despite our pain.  My friends, you must understand that while this earth is not heaven, it is here that God is getting us ready to be royalty in a glorious place that will never end!  It is difficult to endure the hardships that surround us each day, but it is not impossible.  The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross gave us hope that our future is secure.   If he has the hairs on your head numbered, he surely is not going to forget to help you when you need him.  In his timing, you will understand that he never left you for one second!  The Apostle Peter took his eyes off of Jesus when he was walking on the water and began to sink.  But understand this – JESUS NEVER TOOK HIS EYES OFF OF PETER!  Jesus was able to lift Peter up from the sea because his power did not cease even when Peter doubted him.

God’s love and power for you are real.  If you are struggling it is because you are listening to the lies of the enemy and have taken your eyes from Christ.  I know that your financial problems are real and that your marriage may be in serious trouble.  All that I am saying is that God is not going to fail you.  You may think he is not with you now in your pain but the truth is that he is.  Even in your fear and weakness, he is not going to abandon you.  His love is just so amazing that it will meet you wherever you are.  He knows how to lift you from your sea of trouble and he will not let you drown.  God can make a way even when there is none.

Let the amazing love that Christ has for you be your strength in the battle you are facing.  Get into his word and let him fill you will the knowledge of his power so that you will not be afraid of what the future holds for you.  The words that God gave to his people long ago are for you today: “For I am the LORD, your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”. (Isaiah 41:13)

Marianne Bernard

Marianne Bernard

I seek first the kingdom of Christ because everything else in this world is perishing. All that I have is from God who is always faithful. I have worked hard all my life and will continue as long as God lends me breath. The mistakes and bad judgments I made in my life all stemmed from me trying to work things out by myself. I have learned the hard way that the victory over all of my problems and the answers to all of my desires lie solely in my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is now my desire to share the words that God gives me to encourage and give hope to others who need the strength that only faith in Christ can give.

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