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If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night“.

(Psalm 139:11)

These days of evil are growing worse as the light of truth is nowhere to be found.  So many people are caught up in the deception as they become lovers of themselves and of the gold of this world.  The laws of God are disregarded by those who have given in to the lies.  Sin has been dressed up and labeled as choice and tolerance.  Abominable acts are not only accepted by this generation, they are now encouraged.  And darkness swallows the truth!

As most continue on the wide path to destruction, those who work to stay in the race for the Kingdom of Christ are finding themselves suffering trials and heartache.  It is difficult  to understand.

We are living in ending times, dear friends.  God is allowing believers to be shaken beyond their own strength to find out who truly belongs to him.  The days of trouble are bringing to light those who truly belong to Christ.  It is for that reason that you must stand your ground and let God do his work of refining you for an eternal kingdom.

In 2 Corinthians, Chapter 1, we read that Paul suffered through depression as he was spreading the gospel of Christ.  He said in verse 8-9, “For we do not want you to be unaware brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia.  For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.”  Even the apostle Paul had to suffer for Christ to the point of wanting to give up and die.  How much more are we struggling in the end times as Christ is coming quickly to take us from this wicked earth?  Without a doubt the enemy has stepped up his game as he initiates attacks from all sides upon believers who are shining the light of the kingdom to the lost.

in darknessWe should not be surprised that we are facing trials of every kind. While the enemy wants to destroy us with his lies and deception, we are being proven to be soldiers of worth in the army of the living God.  In the book of James, the disciple tells us that the testing of our faith produces a steadfastness which God is perfecting in us so that we will lack nothing of value.  Have no doubt that God’s angels are surrounding you at this moment.  They are ministering to you in your  heartache and strengthening you in your fears.  They have been given orders from the Throne of God to guard your pathway to him.  You cannot be defeated.

As the earth gives way to the enemy’s lies, we suffer through financial problems, sickness and disease, marriages failing,  addictions and all forms of bondage as danger lurks on every corner.  We cannot escape the battle launched by the spiritual forces of darkness; however, believers are guaranteed victory through it all.

Those who don’t give in to the deception of this world have hope that eternity with God will be a reward that will last forever.  Don’t allow your painful trials to make you take your focus from the truth.  You need to understand that your purpose in God’s plan has been set before the world ever began.  You cannot be shifted in your position by the slings and arrows of the enemy.  You will never be taken down!  Surrender your weariness to the One who always has a way to give you hope through your problems.  He can lift you above them all until and hold onto you until he has filled you with his peace.

The darkness is quickly filling up this earth, my friends.  The deceiver is leading a  brutal attack against believers.  He wants you to forget that your destiny has been sealed by the blood of Christ!  Stay strong and don’t lose sight of the blessed Hope which never fails.  Pick up your shield and let the armor of God be your protection.  Nothing of value can ever be taken from you in this perishing world.  You have been guaranteed a royal future.  The book of life has your name in it!  What can flesh do to you?

Take heart, dear friends. This message is for you as well as me.  It is the truth from God’s word that he will always be with us in everything and through all the storms we face. We are never alone.  We are being sifted like wheat by the enemy but Christ is with us so that we will not fail.  No matter what you are going through, it is being seen by the eyes of heaven.  You are not alone and never without hope.

                                Dear Jesus,

Jesus loves youI pray for all who need to hear this message. I lift up all who come to this site.  May they understand that you care about what they are going through and that you have a plan to help them even if they can’t see it now.  May you bring them peace and strength to endure.  May you help them to know without a doubt that you are working out the perfect plan for their lives that cannot fail.  I pray for those who are facing struggles and who feel like they are alone.  Please draw near to them, dear Jesus, and comfort them so that they can feel your Presence with them.  Shine your light in this dark world and let your people know that you will soon be with them.

I pray for Israel and her people.  May you bring her leaders the wisdom needed in this time of deception.  Protect Israel, the apple of your eye, from the evil of her enemies.  I pray that the eyes of the Jewish people will be open to the truth of Christ as their Messiah.

May you help our persecuted brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith.  Bring them peace through their pain and help them to stay strong and shine the light of your love.  Help them and the families of those who are imprisoned for their faith in you.   I pray for Pastor Saeed, imprisoned in Iran,  and all those like him to be released and brought safely back to their families.

In all things, I pray for America to turn from the lies that have filled this country.  I pray for salvation and blessings on this nation.  As you changed the hearts of the people of Nineveh and saved them from destruction,  I pray you will pierce the heart of America and let her once again be a great Christian nation. That is our only hope.

In the powerful name of Jesus, I lift up these requests.    Amen

God will make a way

Marianne Bernard

Marianne Bernard

I seek first the kingdom of Christ because everything else in this world is perishing. All that I have is from God who is always faithful. I have worked hard all my life and will continue as long as God lends me breath. The mistakes and bad judgments I made in my life all stemmed from me trying to work things out by myself. I have learned the hard way that the victory over all of my problems and the answers to all of my desires lie solely in my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is now my desire to share the words that God gives me to encourage and give hope to others who need the strength that only faith in Christ can give.

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Praise be to God for allowing Pastor Saeed to be released from the Iranian prison he was in for years! May he bless him and protect him and his family.

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