When you cannot help yourself, God  will lift you and set you free 



No matter what storm you are going through in your life, God has a way through it and above it.  For believers, his strength will always be all that you need because he knew your name long before he formed the earth.  That is so hard to fathom because our mind cannot contain a truth this great.  The true God who knows all things loved you before you were born!


God planned every aspect of your life from where you would be born, to whom and when.  Even where you live was ordained in God’s masterful plan.  His desire was that all would come to him and be saved.  He knew that problems you would have and he understood your weaknesses.  He knows your sin and your rebellion, yet he still has a purpose and a plan to give you victory through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Romans 8:31 tells us that,”If God is for us, who can be against us?”   He justifies us from our sins and intercedes on our behalf so that we can truly be more than conquerors despite the hard times and heavy burdens we carry.


Each day is an opportunity to bring glory to God as you stand in faith trusting that he us with you in all things.  If we could understand a mere iota of the love of God for us our lives would be changed forever.  His love is not based on what we do for there is no way we could earn it.  It is based solely on who he is for God is love.  The only way that we can walk in the ways of love is to know Christ and to have him work through us. 


The troubles of this world cannot defeat us no matter how weary we become.  When Jesus cried out on the cross, “It is finished”, that was the promise shout of victory for those who believe on him.  The price was paid by the blood of Jesus and we are no longer in bondage to the evil of this world. My friends, we will have troubles but they are working in you a glory that will defy the enemy of your soul.  You cannot lose! The enemy can’t take what was redeemed by Christ for you.  He has a way to help you and he will not fail.


Though the evil one will try to convince you that you will drown in the tears of your affliction, you must not give in.  Remember the truth that set you free.  Jesus has overcome the problems of this world and he will never let you go through anything that he does not have a plan to take you safely through.  He knows your name and he knows where you are.  He is willing to bear your pain and carry your sorrows. He has the power to lift you from your heartache and sustain you when you have no strength of your own.


Lift up your eyes for all that you need is with you now. You can truly face tomorrow despite your pain because Jesus is with you.  Let his peace be your comfort because he is working all things out for you now.  You don’t have to feel it or see it.  You just have to know that his promises are real.


Dear Jesus,  I pray that  you open the eyes of all who need to hear from you and let them know that you are with them and that you are in total control of their situation. Surround them with your peace and help them to understand the depth of your love. Let them know that they have nothing to fear, for you are with them to the end!  Amen