I the LORD do not change (Malachi 3:1)

God’s faithfulness is the same today, tomorrow and forever. As he has helped others, so also will he do now for us.  His love has no bounds and his mercies are new every day. Though the times change and we change, God is with us in every single aspect of our lives.  Although the battle rages on in this dark world, the foundation of Christ who died to give us life will always remain.  He is true to his word.  The troubles of this world have no power to destroy a believer.  To think otherwise is to believe a lie.

I took the picture above in my backyard.  It always is amazing to me how the leaves of the trees  change into beautiful colors right before they fall down.  The Mastermind of this phenomenon is God.  He ordained the different seasons and has a purpose for each part of the cycle.  While I always wish the leaves would keep their vibrant colors and stay on the trees, that is not his plan.  He has a purpose for all things in creation for it was by his hand that all things came to be.  Nothing evolved on its own.  There is one God who is the Creator of all.

Yet during times of stress and change, it is difficult to remember that God has authority over everything. Each day brings a different problem and sometimes it is hard to keep the faith through our tears. Where is my God when it seems like my struggles are getting worse and the pain is unbearable?   As we watch  the darkness of evil growing and filling this world,  can we truly trust that the plan of Christ for us is going to succeed?  Evil is being called good and wrong is being called right.  It is as if the world is turned inside out.  If God’s love is unchanging, why does he allow this all to happen?

The bible tells us that God created man in his own image and saw that it was good.  He provide us with everything we would ever need and yet mankind still fell into sin.  We rebelled against a holy God.  That should have been the end of us at that point.  But we are told that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)  God’s love did not change despite our sin.   He still made a way to bring us back to him.  Although sin and wickedness came into the world and corrupted everything,  God’s plan of redemption  never changed.

We are still living in a perishing world.  You only need to turn on the news to see that most people are on the wide path of destruction.  This is not heaven. All things are not going to be perfect until Christ returns to make all things new.  We must suffer for a while to prove ourselves as sons and daughters.  It is not easy to watch loved ones suffer and die.  It is heartbreaking to watch as families are being torn apart as hearts grow cold.  The enemy has unleashed his final fury as he knows his time is short.  Persecution against Christians is on the rise.  And God’s ways are being perverted everywhere to suit the desires of the lost.  We are living in the last days.

My dear friends, I write this message to touch those who are going through fierce storms in their lives.  You are not forgotten.  God has not forsaken you.  You are being made ready for a royal position that will never end.  God is with you in this battle even though it seems like you are alone.  His legions of angels are acting on his command to guard you throughout your struggle.  The Apostle Paul tells us: “Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything, to stand!” (Ephesians 6:13)  Know the God you serve so that you can trust him no matter what happens.

Take time to read your bible every single day.  Let God’s truth be your armor that keeps you trusting in him despite your problems.  God has not changed.  His love for you will endure forever.  He will not fail you. Your hope is secure because you belong to him.  Nothing in all of creation will ever be able to stop his love for you or his plan for your life.

In the spring, when the leaves return and the flowers unfold in all their beauty, I will be reminded that God’s promises never fail.

Dear Lord,  my heart breaks as I hear of the struggles of your people.  I pray that they will understand that although the battles of this world are leaving them wounded and weary, you have already declared them a victor.  Nothing is going to touch their lives apart from your will and purpose.  You will give them your peace in the midst of their struggle.  I pray for all to come to know that even though we are living in a fallen world, your plan is still unfolding and we have a reason to be hopeful.  The price has been paid and because Christ lives, we can face tomorrow.  You hold our future and there is nothing that you cannot do for those who love you.  Lord, help them to know without a doubt that this is true.  Amen